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For the Assistant Tracy Harwood For the Assistant Tracy Harwood


Having boundaries and clearly communicating them is SO IMPORTANT when onboarding with a new client. Setting boundaries right at the get-go greatly reduces the likelihood of burnout, frustration and ultimately helps build trust. Boundaries may sound “restrictive,” but they actually provide so much freedom for both parties involved! I am going to share three boundaries that virtual assistants should set when taking on a new client.

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For the Assistant Tracy Harwood For the Assistant Tracy Harwood

4 ways to have integrity in the virtual workplace

Working from home is new for a lot of people. And quite frankly, many employers with work-from-home employees want to make sure they can trust the integrity of their people. For our clients, we want to make sure we are matching them with virtual assistants who are honest, responsible, and diligent with their work. A lot of trust goes into having a virtual team, and it is imperative that our people are representing the virtual industry well.

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It is Time to Spring Clean Your business

There are a few things you can do that will help set this season (and seasons to come) up for success for you and your business. I am sharing 5 ways to clean up your business that can make the world of difference! If you are a VA, bring this concept of “spring cleaning” to your client and take the reigns! This will be a blessing to them, I’m sure!

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BIG Small Business Tax Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

As a small business owner in the U.S.- you have a liability to file income taxes. Yep, I said it - income taxes! It’s a thing you can’t avoid and I understand it’s like one of those “necessary evils” of running a business but I’m here to give you some tips on how to make this your best tax season yet and talk about some mistakes you definitely want to avoid!

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For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood

5 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Virtual Assistant

Did you know that your Virtual Assistant is more likely to work harder, and to stick around longer if they feel appreciated? Appreciation goes a long way in the workplace, and having a Virtual Assistant on your team is no different. Research shows that appreciation improves productivity and morale. It can motivate your team to improve their performance and to want to stay longer.

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For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood

How to Prepare Your Business for Vacation During the Holidays

December is here, Christmas is right around the corner, and New Years will be knocking on our door before we know it! If you’re anything like me, you’re ready for a break and time off to either spend with family, to relax, watch Hallmark movies, eat good food, or all of the above. When I sit aside these days to be “off” work, I want to make it count. I want to make sure my business is prepared for the holidays.

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5 Traits of a Highly Successful Virtual Assistant

So, how to begin… what to look for… who to hire? What traits should you look for to hire a successful virtual assistant? It can be exhausting and I promise, you don’t want to hire your sister, best friend, or neighbor’s daughter’s college roommate! Ha! Yes, I’ve heard it all! Today, I’d like to share my top 5 traits of a highly successful virtual assistant!

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For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood

Is Hiring a Virtual Assistant Worth it?

Some of you may be asking, "Is hiring a virtual assistant worth it?" We could list the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant or tell you about all the things you can do once you have more free time but sometimes it is better to hear about someone else's experience! Here is how hiring a Rock Solid Virtual Assistant has changed the life and business of some of our clients!

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7 Best Working From Home Tips

Working from home today might look quite different than what you’ve been used to -- even if you’ve been doing it forever! Perhaps your spouse is also working in your space now. Maybe you’ve got kids at home every day whose lives have also suffered some big changes. Let’s look at seven of our best working-from-home tips for those of you who are adjusting to this new reality.

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For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood

8 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

You’ve spent considerable time on the fence, read all the reviews, heard people talk about how much they love their Virtual Assistant, and you’re thinking it just might be time to make this investment for yourself. Yay! I’d love to help by offering 8 benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your business that you may or may not have considered while making your decision.

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For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood For the Business Owner Tracy Harwood

FAQ: Hiring an Assistant

It is time to look for help, but there are SO many questions when hiring an assistant! Where do I start? How much will it cost? Where do I find a good one? What will they do? Is it worth it? No need to be anxious any longer. Here are the most frequently asked questions when it comes to hiring an assistant.

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Ready to get started with A Virtual Assistant?

We can’t wait to chat and find out more about your business and needs! Click get started, fill out the form, and we can chat more!