Slow Season = Grow Season

Slow season is a time when I often see Business Leaders operate more cautiously and/or trip over easily navigable hurdles. They somehow get stuck in the mindset that when they’re running 12-15 hour days, routinely putting out fires, and busier than they’d ever dreamed, that business is good. Since the early days of Rock Solid, I’ve watched the “hustle movement” rise up and (thank goodness) begin to crumble. I was never a fan. I watched many get tangled up in the mindset that hustling harder equaled success— long days of overworking, overthinking, and overextending convinced many that they were on the right track. (and yes, I’ve gotten tangled up in this same mess myself. UGH!)


On one hand, it makes sense that a slower season might catch you off-guard. You’ve been busy running hundred-yard dashes and sprinting to the finish lines meeting all the deadlines-- passing batons, delegating, executing, and cranking out incredible deliverables! But now it’s time for a slower season, and it feels absolutely foreign to … slow down? Stop running? There’s a minute or two when even the most-seasoned leaders forget how to walk and not run, and stopping to assess and adjust gives the illusion that they’ll be left behind!

So, as wise business leaders, what are we to do during these slower seasons? They serve a purpose, I promise, so let’s dig in and talk about it!

Business is all about growth - in every area - and if we’re growing, it’ll come with the all-too-familiar growing pains. To begin, let’s define growth for our specific conversation:

  • Growth is overcoming past challenges and executing more efficiently during the next busy season.

  • Growth is improvement in any area we can define that’s lacking.

  • Growth is being as ready as possible for the next level!

  • Growth IS NOT HUSTLING HARDER. Growth is not working more hours or even bringing home more bacon.

We need a mindset shift!

With that context in mind, let’s talk strategy!


1. REST ~ Breathe. Regroup. Refocus.

This item has the shortest duration! We need to catch our breath, revisit why we do what we do, and stir up the passion we initially had when starting our businesses. This can’t happen without rest. A tired brain is a foggy brain, and it can’t make the best decisions.

  • Rest is an action word! To succeed to the fullest in life and in business, you need to be able to define what rest means to you, specifically, and commit to actually doing it!

  • Science proves that rest realigns our bodies and minds and can be very healing to both! It helps to bring us into a place of reflection, reconnection, and clarity.

2. Alignment Meeting

This should happen with yourself first and then the team!

  • Evaluate your goals from the beginning of the year or even your 5-year plan if you have one. This includes business goals but also personal goals and/or family goals. Goals must be assessed routinely!

  • Are you on track to reach those goals? (Let’s hope they were measurable!)

  • What got lost in the shuffle?

  • Are you on track with your values and mission?

It’s noteworthy to add this here: don’t rush through this step! How will you know where you are along the way if you’re unsure of where you’re going? Jot down e v e r y t h i n g that comes to mind: 

  • How do you feel about the hurdles you overcame last season? What did they show you about your problem-solving skills, flexibility, preparedness, tenacity, and ability to overcome obstacles? How can that serve you in the season to come?

  • What about the tougher challenges that you faced -- the ones that were more of a “lesson learned” situation rather than a celebration of overcoming? What lessons were learned, and how can you apply them moving forward? Did that challenge help you to identify any blindspots  or weaknesses that need to be addressed? Remember, a weakness becomes a strength once you agree to identify and resolve it!

3. Team Meeting

Give and receive feedback. Assess other points of view. Listen. Did your plan go according to plan? Was it a good plan?

  • What worked well?

  • What didn’t work?

  • What worked but could have been far more effective/efficient?

  • Were the deliverables aligned with your vision and mission?

  • What blindspots showed up and need to be addressed?

4. Plan To Grow

This is the implementation phase! Take all the insight you’ve gleaned from the previous steps and put it to work!

  • Improve Systems, SOPs, and Workflows

  • Balance the balance sheets and ensure your bookkeeping is up to date!

  • Enhance and update commonly used templates

  • Redesign documents to include adjustments in processes

  • Strategize the next few months of marketing and client communication

Even during the slow seasons, we are investors! We invest our time, hearts, and minds into our businesses and ourselves! We’re working with measurable goals and expecting a return of improvement, excellence, and growth! The next sprint to the finish line is right around the corner! We’ll be ready!

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