A Fresh Canvas For 2024

Big surprise, but I’m not much into New Year’s Resolutions. It seems I find one of “man’s traditions” and systematically scrutinize it all while subtly devising ways to discard or improve it. Besides, when you have as much resolve as I do, finding new things to resolve seems unnecessary ~ or so my husband would say!

All jokes aside, I appreciate a good review and refresh this time of year. Some things have earned their spot in the shredder, and some need a little polishing. The beginning of the New Year holds a tremendous amount of value. I’m not sentimental, but something about a fresh start pulls me in. Old things have passed away. The canvas is new and full of potential.

As I review and reflect in preparation to move forward into 2024, I want to share some of my self-reminders and goals in hopes of inspiring you as you journey through this time of transition!


If you’ve read any other newsletter or blog this time of year, this may also be the #1 thing mentioned there. It’s not without good reason that we’re all focusing on this great reminder! Here are my personal goals regarding prioritizing the important things:

  • Keep first things first!

  • Be a PRESENCE to those who matter! Newsflash - your coworkers easily forget how hard you’ve worked. Your boss’s focus is that deadlines are met, and numbers align. Your friends and family are the only people who will remember that you were at the office too much. They remember the TIME they missed, the long hours away from them, working on your phone during family events and the sharp tone they receive when interrupting your workflow. Whether you realize it or not, you’re leaving a legacy! Never forget!

We must consistently say yes to the right things and no to the wrong things. This involves intentionally discerning between people-pleasing vs. setting boundaries, focusing on productivity vs. “busy work,” and CONSISTENTLY keeping first things first!

Lead Well!

Leading my people well is of utmost importance and an area I’ve strived to grow in and improve over the past two years. I will continue working to be a leader who builds wisely, leads by example, and is accessible. When a weakness is recognized, I will face it head-on and do the work necessary to improve. After all, Rock Solid is a business about people, and our success has always had a foundation in relationships. This has to start at the top to trickle down throughout the entire organization!

Micromanaging has been a blind spot for me in the past, so I need to be aware and alert to avoid falling back into this detrimental habit. I will remind myself that micromanaging points back to a decision made every time!

  • Did I hire better than myself?

  • Have I set my expectations out loud? (Expecting mind readers is unrealistic.)

  • Have I delegated well? (No dump-truck delegation-- dump a task and drive away without direction and clarification.)

  • Is my communication on point? How do I define GREAT communication? Am I setting the example or expecting from others something I’m not doing myself?

And finally…


  • Do the right thing all the time. All. The. Time.

  • Don’t set unachievable goals. Don’t set the bar too low.

  • Pray and listen!

  • Stop striving; remember to surrender.

I’m unsure if these were things you expected to find on my list or that you might consider putting on your own. Still, after nearly 7 years at the helm of Rock Solid, these are the things that I’ve found, if done correctly, produce great teams, an excellent work environment, increased productivity, and success for all involved!

Wishing you all the greatest blessings for 2024,


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