The Journey From Entrepreneur To CEO

It has been a season of growth here at Rock Solid! I’m always quick to clarify that, for me, growth doesn’t typically reference numbers. It’s my experience that by doing the other things right, the numbers line up accordingly. 

If you were here with us last month, you know Rock Solid had its 6th birthday in April! Celebrating that milestone has propelled me into a thirst for growth amidst this season of reflection! I’ve gained a bird’s eye view of Rock Solid, and while it’s overwhelming in the best of ways, I’m genuinely enjoying every minute. I can see the journey we’ve traveled to get here and glimpses of what’s to come!


If I had to put a title on it, it’s the journey from Entrepreneur to CEO.

Growth. This may be my word for 2023! As I look back on my personal journey from Registered Nurse to Entrepreneur, I recognize areas of growth that I wish had happened faster - and areas that I wish would slow down and let me catch up! The most significant area of growth I’m recognizing right now is all about mindsets! If you’ve been around me much, you’ve heard me say, “Mindset matters!” It works as a declarative statement and a simple noun.

If you’re on this entrepreneurial journey yourself, I bet you’ve got a strong will and a determined mindset. I like to call it resolve! Merriam-Webster defines resolve as fixity of purpose and official determination. Resolve is undoubtedly a strength of mine -- just ask my husband, ha!But when it comes to entrepreneurship, it was a foundational piece of growing Rock Solid into what it is today.

Starting a business was a dream deep down in my heart, and I had no idea! Leading a team is something I crave, and making a difference in the lives of others is literally what gets me up each day! However, leaving everything I knew, tossing my college degree to the side, and embarking on an adventure when nobody understood, took a good measure of resolve! (Quick tip: Thick skin must be on the resume of each and every new entrepreneur!) You’ll have days when you feel like you’re up against the world. People will come out of the woodwork to remind you that you don’t know what you’re doing and ask why you think you can make this work… after all, you’re just ____. That blank has been filled in with every kind of nonsense, but it normally boils down to …just not enough.  


Not smart enough.

Not educated enough.

Not experienced enough.


I’ve heard I was “just a woman out in the middle of nowhere Montana and would never make this work.” I’ve had a person ask how “that little secretary thing you’re doing” is working.  




If you plan to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, get yourself some resolve!


But what about the journey from Entrepreneur to CEO? Where does all of this resolve fit in when everything works, and the biggest problem you have in business is incredible growth?


As business grows and success begins to be a reality, things change! By now, you most likely would have some kind of community around you and, hopefully, a teammate or two!  


…and if you’re like me, here comes the hard part!


Take a deep breath -- exhale. 


This is the unnatural part where you need to let go of some of that resolve… where you need to defer to the incredible people on your team or other associates within your community. It’s a delicate balancing act, and you may stumble a little. I sure did. There was a time when I stepped back TOO far and let the reins hang a little too loosely. Let’s dive in and talk about the right way to handle this mindset shift!


The more success you find, the more you’ll need a team of competent people around you. The resolve you have most likely helped to get you where you are, but it will not hold you there. As a matter of fact, if you’re still the one whose ego can’t tolerate not being right all the time and struggles to admit there are things you don’t know, then … there will be problems.


This deferring to others … what if we simply call it collaborating? I think of it as co-laboring. Everyone has a voice, and everyone gets to be heard. If you’ve surrounded yourself with the right people, bring them onboard.  … all the way onboard!! 


I understand. You’ve built everything from the ground up. You’ve created the systems and processes; the SOPs have your blood, sweat, and tears infused into every fiber - as they should be. However, processes and systems are fluid. They shouldn’t be cemented in but should be able to grow with you and your business. They will shift as you shift and grow. Having a second set of eyes on everything as well as a second set of hands -- that is always a win

So, what does this look like in real life vs. in theory on paper?

Let me shout the part you may be shyly hoping to hear -- you still have the final say!


This is still your business, and you still have the ultimate deciding vote, per se. But you have built your team and found your community and associates -- now it’s time to pause, listen, and consider what they bring to the table. I bet it’s good, too -- you have given them a seat, and I’m sure it was with good reason! It’s okay to defer to the wisdom of others before making a decision. If you knew all the answers and could do everything yourself, you’d have done it by now! Your fierce resolve would have accomplished it long ago!


As we say over here at Rock Solid, you should ALWAYS hire better than you! A favorite associate once told me, “Tracy, why would you go out and get an MBA when you could hire one?” Now there’s a thought to ponder! I’m very willing to listen to my team. I’m also willing to make the final decision, even if it isn’t what they suggested. I’ve heard them. I’ve considered it. But this time, I’m right. All the time listening and considering… AND all the time accepting the best decision and doing the right thing!


Forget your comfort zone. Admit you don’t know all the answers. You don’t “got this.” Surround yourself with amazing people passionate about your work. Let go of a bit of that resolve… and grow, my Friend!


They’re called growing pains for a reason, but if we do things right - we get to the growth part. And it’s beautiful!


Investing In Your Business


Happy Birthday Rock Solid!