How to delegate tasks to a Virtual Assistant
Ok, how does this whole thing work? How do I get started with a virtual assistant? Many people get stuck trying to figure out how to relinquish control and delegate tasks to a virtual assistant. Bringing on a team member is a very important step toward increased success in business and happiness in life! Let’s talk about one of the first steps to take once the decision has been finalized: Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant.
This is your first step in figuring out how to delegate tasks to a virtual assistant. This is easy and shouldn’t be neat and pretty! Grab a notebook and pen (or your fave note app if you’re better with electronic notes) and jot down everything that:
You hate doing
You know, it is a time-waster and a rabbit hole of non-productivity
You would love to have someone else handle and report back to you
Is NOT in your special set of skills, gifts, or talents - aka Zone of Genius!
Now let that list sit for a couple of hours or overnight. When you come back the next day, I want you to revisit all the ideas you’d love to hand off with this goal in mind:
What five tasks can you hand off to your new virtual assistant so that you can focus on business-building activities?
Voila!! You’ve taken a great first step in learning how to delegate to a virtual assistant. Sharing this list will give your assistant a great idea of not only what’s on your plate but, most importantly, direction as to where to begin on this awesome new journey with you!
Results of Delegating
So, how does doing this make your business grow? When you start effectively delegating time-wasting tasks or tasks you are simply not good at, that frees you up to do the things you are AWESOME at! It enables you more free time to work in your zone of genius, aka the business-building aspects of your business! You are no longer caught up in the details, but you have space to cast vision and do what you do best!
We have based our business around getting to know you and your business personally so that we can match you with one of our highly skilled assistants who fits your business perfectly.
Want more of our best tips for hiring and onboarding a new virtual assistant? Download our free Virtual Assistant Onboarding guide below!
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